Create Oracle Database 12c on Oracle Grid Infrastructure Standalone 12c

At the last post i created the oracle database template . In this post i will show you howto create the oracle database 12c using oracle template with dbca.


0. Execute /opt/oracle/

1. Select " Create Database " and click Next.

2. Select " Advanced Mode" and click Next.

3. Select "template db12c". This template is created in the last post.

4. Enter the Oracle SID and Database name. and click Next.

5. leave it blank, because i dont want to register with EM.

6. Enter Password for Sys and System and click Next,

7. Select Listener and click Next.

8. Select Storage Location. i will install the database on ASM.

9. Select Database Components and click Next.

10. Configure the database.
     Setting SGA and PGA .

   Sizing .

Character Sets.

Connection Mode

 11. Create Database and Click Next. We can select "Generate Database Create Scripts" so dass we can use the script to create the database.

12. Prerequisite Checks

13. Summary and click Next.

14. Database Create Progress.

15. Finish.

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